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Career Resource Hub for First Generation College Students

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CareerSpring is an online networking and job placement platform that helps first generation and/or low-income (FGLI) college students acquire high-quality employment and launch careers.

Project at a Glance:


UX Designer, Web Developer

Hours Engaged:


Skills & Stack:

Wordpress, Essential Grid


  • CareerSpring provides members with guidance to launch their careers, and uses a third-party software provider to host their “Career Platform.”. CareerSpring hoped to share additional resources, but their software provider did not support this functionality.

  • To support their aims, CareerSpring hosted a Resource Library in a Google Drive folder, but this solution was a stop-gap measure that proved difficult to use and did not match the rest of CareerSpring’s platform.


  • Prometheus paired CareerSpring with a designer and a website developer with expertise in Wordpress, which CareerSpring was already using for their marketing website. The team came up with a design and proposal for a Resource Library that would be easily maintainable by the CareerSpring team and would match the rest of CareerSpring’s platform.

  • The team built the solution on Wordpress and used Essential Grid, a low-code plugin that makes it easy to view, search, and sort through the informational resources so CareerSpring could seamlessly share resources with its members.

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“Working with Prometheus was a great opportunity to develop my professional skills and gain confidence in a professional setting.” - Carol (UX Designer & Web Developer, Freelance)

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